Are you a partner or are you a tyrant?

There seems to be a trend among some general contractors. Be the low bidder, Take the low bids. Beat the hell out of them on re-bids and after the job is started. It is disturbing to say the least. Do you have a contract you can point to and attempt to justify your bad behavior GCs? Yes apparently many of you use this as an excuse to control, belittle and intimidate. It isn’t becoming and this practice is one of many this site aims to put an end to. Whether the company is rotten to the core, or simply has a few bad apple PMs or Supers the loyal subcontractors out in the world deserve to know what they are getting themselves into.

Hiding these practices in the shadows. Refusal to pay change orders. Lying about owner relationships and owner change order approvals. Hollow 72-Hour threats. Continue to follow this path general contractors at your own peril. Once brought to light your list of available subs will evaporate as will solid low bids. You will be assessed consciously or subconsciously a tax or a premium for the fears of working with you and being treated as a partner versus a contract slave.

Take heed those who would do harm for profit to others.

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