Industry Courtesy

I am appalled often times and the complete lack of courtesy within the industry. There are often times days, sometimes even weeks of effort put into submitting a bid and unless you are “low” you never hear anything again. It used to be that you were paid/reimbursed for this time but now it is expected to be free. Alright. Free it is…but please let me know if we were even close. Let me know you received it. Let me know that I didn’t just dump days of my time down a drain for absolutely no reason. Often times we value engineer things for clients only to watch the “great” ideas get passed to a competing sub. Ideally it would be nice to know at least +/- percentage wise where we sit so that we may adjust. It would be nice to know if you chose another simply because they decided to include a scope of work that you normally don’t bid. Really let us know anything that will help us get better at what we do and we will be better for you in the future as a result. P.S. All of you subcontractors…myself included need to do a better job at responding as to acceptance/declination of jobs and if we commit to doing a bid we follow through and if not possible communicate that. I know sometimes work seems to crowd priorities but we can be more courteous as well

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