Relax, its just business. It isn’t personal.

Or at least it isn’t unless you make it personal. A couple of examples.

1. Discussing change orders shouldn’t cause a meltdown. They are change orders and they are open for discussion and negotiation. Threats, pained faces, ugly gestures, threats to pull future business, 72-hour invocations and sarcastic/ugly remarks really just aren’t necessary. Express yourself. Adults do that. Children don’t.

2. I think this might be a little more regionally oriented. I’ve lived a couple of different places outside of Utah but it really seems as though the Intermountain West states seem to be a little overly touchy. Asking for an understanding of procedure, process or status doesn’t need to result in an automatic assumption of an imminent threat. I’ve seen accounting departments take severe umbrage about simply asking about the status of payment and where in the process the payment happens to be. People crying and banning people who simply ask questions is just a bit of an over reaction.

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