Outright Theft & Dishonesty

Perhaps some GCs view it as a game to be played and when won as money in their pocket but the game is all too real on the other side. Subs are suffering immensely through a variety of ways either intentional or unintentional. GCs need to stop playing games such as the change order game, the back charge game, the 1984 assumptions, and many other games put whole companies and all of their employees at risk. It would be nice if these games were clearly the exception rather than the rule but it is becoming an endemic problem.

Observations such as:

1.  Denying change orders that were legitimately asked for and approved by the GC who then uses the excuse that nothing was “officially” signed.

2. Making false excuses about when a General has been paid, how much and to whom.

3. Sheer stretches of the imagination that read into plans that which clearly isn’t there. Differences of opinion happen but the General often takes a bullying approach to put a sub in a no-win position.

4. Threatening no future work unless the General gets their way.

5. Extreme protest over factoring of invoices when a sub can no longer hold out for payment.

6. Attempting to seem to be doing a sub a favor by paying at 30 days which is what it should be anyway.

GCs. You need to stop. In the end these practices are going to bite those who consistently employ them.

This entire website was created to help expose the GCs worth working with and those who use an unfair power position to intimidate.

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