Code of Ethics. Supplier code. Doing business code. Every single thing from their “five pillars” of doing business to 50-page ethics code flies completely in the face of everything that has occurred with their product. In fact lies have been told by the manufacturer’s sales reps to attempt to cover-up a variety of things. They’re […]
Everywhere I look I see 5-10% as typical. That said there is currently a 26 million dollar public works project that only set aside 2.5%. From there the GC doesn’t book change orders but strictly as contingency expenses but then turns around and claims a low amount of change orders which isn’t true. So rather […]
It isn’t integrated yet as details are still being worked on but the general idea is that GCs seem to be really good at booking credits and back charges and REALLY slow at approving change orders. This can greatly affect pay apps and cash flows. A slight difference might be expected because of presentation to […]