GCs also need to…This one is actually funny.

In their rush to be cute and to use broad language that they can use to manipulate subs into doing work that wasn’t in their bids they should probably check and double-check the normal scope of work. For example. A real example. Probably not the best idea to omit the brick from a masonry contract when it is half the cost of their bid. They spelled out CMU, precast, stone and whatever but brick was definitely not in the contract. Now as a sub my first inclination is just to say I get it…you made a mistake…let’s fix this. However my next thoughts are those of how the GC has been extremely difficult to work with. Slow on payment. Payment dates/promises unkept. Do I stick to my human ethics to “do the right thing” or do I as the GC has done and whip out the contract to try and manipulate them into paying us more money for their mistake?

I have to live with myself so I’ll most likely remedy their mistake but in the same thought how do they live with themselves when they do it to the subs?

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