I might have been wrong about the origin of the scanned pdf. It may not necessarily be the architect but the owner that has resorted to such skullduggery. Whomever it was when you realize that there are multiple steps to get this point there really is no explanation other than intentional greed.
1. Someone would first have to print out the PDF files to paper. (This isn’t insubstantial when the planset exceeds 100 pages as it is in this case)
2. Then with the printed files they would have to scan them. (Again to handle that many pages someone would have to be manually there as scanners for that paper size can’t typically handle more than a few pages at a time.)
3. Then they would have to upload them manually.
All of this instead of a simple straight-across drag and drop to the project files.
Anyone else have a suggestion as to how this might be an innocent mistake?