Optimizing Profits and Building Costs: The Digital Edge

It is high time we reconsider the old-fashioned practice of exclusively using paper-based plans for our construction projects. The traditional chain of decision-making – from the owner to the architect and the General Contractor (GC) – tends to lean towards this approach. This habit, however, often results in overlooked details, leading to lower bids, increased profits, and reduced building costs. But at what price?

Errors are often amplified when working with poorly crafted plans. Consider a wall depicted on one blueprint page but omitted on another – whose responsibility is it? Unfortunately, it is pushed onto the subcontractor since the wall was shown somewhere, even if consistency across all relevant pages is lacking. On the lucky occasion, subcontractors may receive a change order to correct such oversights, but more often than not, they bear the burden with no compensation.

Let’s put it plainly: withholding electronic versions of construction plans, when available, isn’t just counterproductive – it’s unfair to the hardworking teams bringing the building to life. Embracing digital plans can streamline our operations, mitigate potential oversights, and promote transparency in the construction process. With these benefits in mind, isn’t it time we discard the “garbage in, profit out” mentality for a more sustainable, honest, and productive approach?

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