Category: GENdex

  • Optimizing Profits and Building Costs: The Digital Edge

    It is high time we reconsider the old-fashioned practice of exclusively using paper-based plans for our construction projects. The traditional chain of decision-making – from the owner to the architect and the General Contractor (GC) – tends to lean towards this approach. This habit, however, often results in overlooked details, leading to lower bids, increased…

  • Just when you thought you’ve seen everything.

    This post will be expounded on but the schedule is based on a six-day workweek? The prime contract governs but is available to review in the GCs office in Florida? What?

  • Stop The Cycle Of Abuse

    Stop bidding with GCs who blatantly steal from you. By doing so even at a so-called premium you’re telling these general contractors that their behavior is ok and comes at little risk to them. This perpetuates a cycle that is not only self-destructive but destructive to other sub-contractors as well as to GCs who maintain…

  • Notice to Proceed and Letter of Intent

    Beware of proceeding under either of these documents. Neither has the full binding authority that a contract does and a subcontractor could be at risk without a full contract in place. Materials purchased, any type of work including in-office designing, bidding or outside office ordering, mock-ups or anything could still be cancelled without a GC…

  • I might have been wrong

    I might have been wrong about the origin of the scanned pdf. It may not necessarily be the architect but the owner that has resorted to such skullduggery. Whomever it was when you realize that there are multiple steps to get this point there really is no explanation other than intentional greed. 1. Someone would…

  • Dropped Everything

    I literally dropped all of the 10 things I was doing at this point to post this. WHY? Why would an architect scan their plans and expect everyone to use fuzzy (probably 150 dpi) plans to measure from? Right in the title of the files is DWG which tells you at the very least they…

  • “Acceptance of Substrates”

    In some trades this is probably an easy call but in others such as Masonry, EIFS etc often times the weather/air/vapor barrier design and install is FAR beyond any realistic expectation of a correct install. When a GC attempts to cover themselves with such language are they and others really relieved of responsibility?

  • What say you subcontractors? Repo madness

    This and other similarly worded clauses seem to be finding their way into contracts for all trades. It provides for the GC to repo all equipment (everything from trucks, tools etc) on-site as well as on their way to the job-site. It is understandable if the tool was created specifically for that particular job but…

  • Bribery ??? What else could convince an architect to spend significantly more on an out of state CMU block for a Parking Garage?

    Specifically the architect had this paragraph in his spec. Special Aggregate: Provide units made with aggregate matching aggregate in Architect’ssample. In other words it could only be one product.

  • Men Machinery and Materials

    Obviously the title is anachronistic in nature but I haven’t been able to come up with a suitable change. Maybe Labor, Machinery and Materials LMM? I’m open to suggestions. The reason for the post however is undeniably a problem within the industry. GC’s expect change orders to be broken down to the M+M+M= formula. HOWEVER…what…

  • US versus Them

    US versus Them

    I’m very sad to see it written down and even more sad when the Them (the General Contractor’s) have a far bigger warchest for legal battles that a typical subcontractor could dream of. Subcontractors typically aren’t built for the large trudge through the legal system. It’s expensive, time-consuming and there is no guarantee of success.…

  • Beware going to work for the architect, unpaid no less.

    Beware going to work for the architect, unpaid no less.

    In some contracts our company has had come across a phrase of “if there is a discrepancy bid the higher option of the two”. Congratulations you are now a proofreader for the architect. Better yet the GC gets to invariably charge back moneys to the subcontractors. Sometimes they will even charge both sides of the…

  • Playing games with retention

    Playing games with retention

    So now we have seen the Weber School District, West Jordan City, Hogan Construction and Groathouse play games with retention. The money isn’t to be used as a bargaining chip but yet that is the game being played.

  • LDs and General Conditions

    LDs and General Conditions

    Until recently our company has never been subject to a situation whereby the client/owner refuses to charge Liquidated Damages but the General Contractor attempted to charge us at 5X of the liquidated damages. Yes it is in the contract so make sure you modify yours to protect you. It was the general who delayed the…

  • Exclusions


    What exclusions do you add to your bids? Why? Normally something has happened and general logic was abandoned so a subcontractor is forced to spell it out even more. Let us know what has happened to you to add to your exclusions. We’ll be sharing ours and the background behind each one.

  • Spearin, part deux

    Spearin, part deux

    Spearin part one has been executed and now the city, the GC, and the substandard supplier are now piled together in one lawsuit. Spearin part deux seems to be a possibility with the architect who failed to correctly draw the plans.

  • Hail the architect, part deux

    Hail the architect, part deux

    So, an architect forgets to draw control joints and points to a general boilerplate language that mentions control joints but nothing else. Somehow this ends bypasses not only the architect who was on-site weekly for a year, the General Contractor and gets laid completely at the feet of the subcontractor as being their fault. What’s…

  • All hail the infallible architect

    All hail the infallible architect

    For some reason there seems to be a trend among architects to deny responsibility for poor design. Instead they would prefer to off load it to the sub-contractors. Have some pride and quit throwing the subs under the bus for your own mistakes.

  • A new retention scam

    A new retention scam

    It isn’t bad enough that the owners don’t have to pay the GC or the subcontractors for retention until AFTER the GC sends an actual request. Most good GCs will do so upon substantial completion and occupancy permits are granted. The bad ones take their time because it doesn’t hurt them to hold onto your…

  • Lies, lies and more lies and then excuses

    Lies, lies and more lies and then excuses

    That was before. This is now. Your previous 18 months of no payment is negated by the fact “I’m now working on this and getting up to speed”. Your logic is rejected. Wholly and then some. Spearin has emboldened the weak to fight for that which they have already earned. Be careful of those you…